What are the symptoms of diabetes?

What are the symptoms of diabetes?
Symptoms of diabetes can vary depending on the type and severity of the disease. Here are some common symptoms associated with diabetes:

Frequent urination: Increased urination is often one of the first signs of diabetes. This happens because excess sugar in the blood leads to the kidneys working harder to filter and absorb the glucose.

Excessive thirst: Increased urination can cause dehydration, leading to excessive thirst as the body tries to replenish the lost fluids.

Unexplained weight loss: In type 1 diabetes, the body is unable to produce insulin, resulting in the inability to use glucose for energy. This can lead to rapid weight loss, despite increased hunger and food intake.

Increased hunger: As the body cannot use glucose effectively, it can lead to constant feelings of hunger, even after eating.

Fatigue: The lack of glucose utilization by the cells can result in persistent tiredness and low energy levels.

Blurred vision: High levels of blood sugar can cause fluid to be pulled from the lenses of the eyes, leading to blurry vision.

Slow healing of wounds: Elevated blood sugar levels can impair circulation and damage nerves, inhibiting the body’s ability to heal wounds properly.

Frequent infections: Diabetes can weaken the immune system, making individuals more prone to infections, especially urinary tract infections, yeast infections, and skin infections.

Numbness or tingling in hands or feet: High blood sugar levels can damage nerves, causing tingling, numbness, or a burning sensation, predominantly in the hands and feet.

Recurring gum or skin infections: Diabetes can reduce the ability to fight bacteria, leading to an increased risk of infections like gum diseases or skin infections.

It’s important to note that some symptoms may overlap with other medical conditions, and not everyone with diabetes will experience all of these symptoms. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms or have concerns about diabetes, it is recommended to consult with a healthcare professional for proper diagnosis and treatment.

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What Are The Stages Of Alzheimer’s Disease?

An estimated 23,000 people die each year in the United States from Alzheimer’s disease. It is the leading cause of dementia in the elderly, making it the eighth leading cause of death among that age demographic.

What Are The Stages Of Alzheimer’s Disease?

Alzheimer’s cannot currently be cured, but understanding the seven stages of the disease can help researchers, care-giving family members and those afflicted. Alzheimer’s disease most often affects those over 65. It is extremely rare for the conditioner to occur earlier. Alzheimer’s affects the cortical tissues of the brain, causing them to atrophy. On autopsy tangled webs of brain tissue filaments (neurofibrillary tangles) and patches of degenerative nerve endings, called senile plaques are found. It is believed that these abnormalities cause a disruption of the electrical impulses in the brain. It is a devastating disease, robbing the individual of their memories and ability to recognize their loved ones or care even to complete simple tasks for themselves, but there are treatments available to help slow the course of Alzheimer’s disease and researchers are working hard to find a cure.

Understanding the stages of the disease is the key to both

There have been a number of attempts to describe the disease using a medical model but for caregivers and the rest of us it is easier to use the seven step functional stages to understand the changes brought on by the progression of the disease.

  • Stage 1 is described as a normally functioning adult without noticeable symptoms and no changes in memory.
  • Stage 2 is often mistaken as part of the normal aging process. The individual notices their declining memory issues and some functional loss as well. They may have trouble remembering the names of familiar people and places.
  • Stage 3 is defined as early Alzheimer’s disease. There is progressive difficulty with involved tasks in demanding situations and often growing anxiety and denial. Memory and recall difficulties become apparent, concentration becomes effected and there is generally a loss of productivity.
  • Stage 4 or mild Alzheimer’s, disease is characterized by a flattening of mood and continued denial of the disorder. Familiar faces, following directions to frequently visited places and orientation of persona and place are still intact, but assistance with complicated tasks becomes necessary.
  • Stage 5 Alzheimer’s disease is considered moderate and the person in this stage can no longer get along in daily life without the assistance of others. They can remember major information about them selves and others but recall of newer information is difficult. An individual at stage 5 needs assistance picking proper attire and making most decisions.
  • Stage 6 is considered moderately severe and people begin to forget large amounts of information about themselves and others including the names of their spouses and children. They will need help with all the activities of daily living and disturbed sleep patterns becomes problematic and delusional or obsessive behavior, acute anxiety and violent behavior can arise.
  • Stage 7 is the last stage of the disease, and in severe Alzheimer’s disease speech is reduced to only a few words and is mostly unintelligible. Individuals lose their ability to sit up or walk. They cannot smile and even lose their ability to hold up their heads. The brain seems unable to direct the movement of the body.

Alzheimer’s disease isn’t curable but there are treatments that can slow its progress and promising research that may one day lead to a cure. Understanding the stages of the disease and its progression can help those who are afflicted, their loved ones and researchers ensure the best treatment now and promote hope for the future.

Who Gets Parkinson’s Disease?

Parkinson’s Disease affects generally elder adults, among about 90% of the known cases are diagnosed in people over the age of 60. Within that population, there is a small amount of variance, with the danger increasing from age 60 through age 75, and then going down sharply. Currently, Parkinson’s Disease is known to affect about 3% of the population over the age of 65.

Who Gets Parkinson’s Disease

With present statistics and the probable aging of the population, authorities think that that percentage will double in the next 40 years. When those with mild symptoms of Parkinsons (symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease that may be caused by other things, or could develop into Parkinson’s Disease), those numbers increase dramatically. 15% of those between the ages of 60 and 74 have been diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease.

Between the ages of 75 and 84, that percentage rises to almost 30%. However, when you look at it in terms of inception of symptoms, the picture changes. Fewer than 10% of new cases of Parkinson’s disease are diagnosed in younger adults – under age 40. The majority of new diagnoses of Parkinson’s disease are made between the ages of 60 and 75. After age 85, the danger of developing Parkinson’s Disease then seems to fall off dramatically.

 What are the factors that effect diagnoses?

Gender Men appear to be at greater risk of developing Parkinson’s Disease than women. Men have to deal with about double the risk of developing Parkinson’s Disease as women in any age group. Scientists think that estrogens may play a function in protecting the body from the chemical changes that occur in Parkinson’s Disease. This is further borne out by two facts – women who’ve had hysterectomies have a somewhat higher rate of Parkinson’s Disease, and women who’ve had estrogen replacement therapy have a lower rate of Parkinson’s Disease than other women their age.

Parkinson’s Disease seems to growth more quickly in men than women according to one study, and another found a difference in the way that symptoms present. Men are more prone to rigidity and tremor, and women more at danger from gait disturbance and shuffling. Ethnicity Caucasians have a higher danger of developing Parkinson’s Disease than either African Americans or Asian Americans.

People of European descent appear most prone to usual Parkinson’s Disease, but some studies hint at that non-Caucasians may be more at risk for a particular type of non-typical Parkinsonis that causes a disturbance in judgment. Heredity In a small percentage of cases, family history may play a part in the inception of Parkinson’s Disease. People who have parents or brothers and sisters who had young-onset Parkinson’s Disease, in which symptoms develop before the age of 40, are more probable to develop Parkinson’s Disease than others their age. When Parkinson’s Disease was diagnosed at older ages, family history looks like it’s to play no part.

Cigarette Smokers Oddly, cigarette smokers appear to have a diminished incidence of Parkinson’s Disease, which has led researchers to explore the probability that nicotine may give some protection from the fluctuations caused by Parkinson’s Disease. They are quick to point out that the other health problems associated with cigarette smoking are far too significant to think cigarette smoking as a way to avoid getting Parkinson’s Disease.

Coffee Drinkers Caffeine also seems to have a protective result against Parkinson’s Disease. A study of Japanese-American men suggested that those who commonly drank coffee ran a lesser risk of developing Parkinson’s Disease than other men their age. The more coffee they consumed, the lower the risk. Roger Overanout

Alcoholism Signs – Ten Warning Signs Of Alcoholism You Should Know

Alcoholism signs – are there ten warning signs of alcoholism? Yes! Understanding alcoholism signs can help you determine whether there is alcohol abuse or dependency. Consuming a drink or two per day for healthy men and a drink a day for healthy non-pregnant women is generally considered acceptable consumption without health risks. However, as the amount of drinking per occasion or per week increases, one or more of the ten warning signs of alcoholism can develop as a result.

Alcoholism Signs – Ten Warning Signs Of Alcoholism You Should Know

Alcohol dependency is the most severe alcohol disorder!

Two alcoholism signs associated with dependency are tolerance and withdrawal. Tolerance is the need for increasing amounts of alcohol consumption to become intoxicated. Withdrawal symptoms occur when alcohol intake is reduced or discontinued. Alcohol abusers are drinkers that may drink heavily at various times. Alcoholism signs for alcohol abusers can be related problems such as drinking and driving, violent episodes, or missing work or school. In the USA alone, as many as 14 million adults are chronic heavy drinkers that abuse alcohol or are alcoholics.

What is considered ‘heavy drinking’?

According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, drinking more than the amounts shown below would be considered heavy drinking:

  • For healthy men under age 65, consuming no more than four drinks a day nor more than fourteen drinks a week.
  • For healthy women under age 65 or healthy men over age 65, consuming no more than three drinks a day nor more than twelve drinks a week.

What are ten warning signs of alcoholism?

Here are alcoholism signs listed (in no particular order):

  • 1. Drinking Alone
  • 2. Making Excuses, Finding Excuses to Drink
  • 3. Daily or Frequent Drinking Needed to Function
  • 4. Inability to Reduce or Stop Alcohol Intake
  • 5. Violent Episodes Associated with Drinking
  • 6. Drinking Secretly
  • 7. Becoming Angry When Confronted About Drinking
  • 8. Poorer Eating Habits
  • 9. Failure to Care for Physical Appearance
  • 10. Trembling in the Morning Alcoholism signs can also include the inability to remember portions of the events of the previous evening or feeling anxious in a social situation where alcohol is not available.

As you may know, it can be called ‘problem drinking’ when it becomes ‘drinking that causes problems’. Does heavy chronic drinking have health consequences? You bet it does. Chronic heavy drinking can result in serious damage to the liver, heart, brain and other vital organs. Such severe physical damage may irreversable and result in serious illnesses or even early death. If the above ten warning signs of alcoholism help create interest in exploring possible alcohol addiction and finding help, the good news is that help is available. Consider contacting your physician, counselor or other qualified professional.

Another time-tested source of help would be Alcoholics Anonymous. AA has local groups that meet regularly throughout the USA and other countries around the world. No matter how many alcoholism signs may exist, it is never too late to begin recovery from alcohol addiction. Obviously, the sooner recovery begins, the better.

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